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Life as a Campbell intern: A behind the scenes look

Life at Campbell’s

Walking into your first professional setting can be an anxious experience, no matter your background or prior achievements. That’s why internships are a great place to start!

Wondering what the Campbell Internship Program is like? Take a closer look at some of the activities and experiences we offered this summer—and consider applying for an internship opportunity here!

Executive meet & greet series

Every few weeks, interns had the opportunity to sit down with executives to learn about their career paths, personal lives, and ask questions. From Val Oswalt, President of Campbell Snacks, urging, “know what you have to offer,” to Chris Foley, President of Meals & Beverages, encouraging interns to “embrace the apprentice role,” so many valuable insights were shared.

interns with ceo mark clouse
Our 2022 summer interns snap a photo with CEO Mark Clouse after an event led by the University Recruiting team.
ceo mark clouse
Mark Clouse speaks to interns about his professional journey and experience as the CEO of Campbell Soup Company.
interns asking questions
Interns had many questions to ask and they received some great answers.

“You’re the most important steward of your career. Advocate for yourself and be willing to do things that others won’t to put yourself in a better position”

– Mark Clouse, CEO

Giving back 

We prioritize caring about each other and the communities we serve, and our interns embraced this core value. Working with a family services center located in Camden, New Jersey, interns crafted “Welcome Home Baskets” during a summer volunteer event to help those moving into permanent residences.

Members of the University Recruiting team talk with interns about their progress on creating Welcome Home Baskets.
interns holding blanket
Interns gathered in the courtyard of our headquarters to volunteer their time, including making blankets!

Lessons learned, everywhere, and in every division

No matter their function, department, or location, Campbell interns gained valuable hands-on-experience, growing both professionally and personally. A few interns shared their individual journeys this summer:

woman in graduation cap

“From leading my own content shoot to working with influencers to creating viral TikToks, my time at Campbell has made me more confident in my own abilities.”

– Candice Nguyen, Social Media Trends Intern
woman in front of soup can silo

“I worked on the warehousing team creating a standardized report where Key Performance Indicators are stored for our warehouses. I’ve made so many great connections this summer by learning that I should not be afraid to reach out to others!”

– Colynn Vacko, Supply Chain Intern
man wearing medal

“I’ve been busy and challenged during my internship. I was able to lead three capital projects and gained invaluable first-hand experience with project management tools I had not used before.”

 – Khoa Nguyen, Project Engineering Intern

Time to have fun, lots of it

While working hard is important, the cherry-on-top of a summer internship is the fun that comes with it. From cooking classes to Topgolf outings to baseball games, Campbell interns made tons of memories—and new friendships!

two interns making pizza in kitchen
Our summer interns had the opportunity to take a stab at cooking in the Consumer Test Kitchen at our headquarters.
interns in group at golf
Some of our interns even made it on the green. Golfing is another skill they can add to their toolkit!

As the summer rolls to an end, we’re so proud of all that our interns have achieved. We love seeing them leave more confident in themselves and their abilities—and we can’t wait to see all that they accomplish in the future!

Life at Campbell’s
morgan darmo

Morgan Darmo

Corporate Communications Intern

This blog was written by Morgan who worked as the 2022 Corporate Communications Summer Intern. She is a rising senior at Cornell University where she is working toward finishing her Bachelor of Science in Communication, with a minor in Business. The core five lessons she learned this summer were: ask questions, be confident, make connections, explore your interests, and have fun!