Since its creation in 1933, V8 has been “The Original Plant-Powered Drink.”
Here are 7 things you didn’t know about V8:
W.G. Peacock and his son created V8 in Evanston, Illinois after perfecting the blended vegetable drink in 1933. Their goal was to bring delicious, affordable vegetable nutrition to all.
We acquired V8 in 1948. Included in the acquisition was their manufacturing plant in Napoleon, Ohio—a plant that still makes the juice today, in addition to our soups and sauces.
Our Napoleon, Ohio plant in 1943.
In 1951, future President of the United States, Ronald Reagan, appeared in a V8 advertisement.
Ronald Reagan in a V8 advertisement in 1951.
The “V-8 Roadster,” a pop art fun-car, was made in 1971 by George Barris, who was well known for creating custom cars for television and film. He also created the “Batmobile” from the 1960s Batman show, the “Munster’s Koach” from The Munsters, and the “Jalopy” from the Beverly Hillbillies.
The “V-8 Roadster”
Some of the celery used in V8 has been grown at the same farm—the Willbrandt family farm in Decatur, Michigan—for more than 70 years.
In 2014, Wheel of Fortune and V8 came together for “Always Great! Wheel & V8 Week” which kicked-off V8’s eight-week sponsorship of Wheel of Fortune’s bonus round. Following the promotion, we received a V8 branded wedge signed by the hosts of Wheel of Fortune, Pat Sajack and Vanna White.
V8 is more than red vegetable juice—from V8 +ENERGY to V8 Fruit & Vegetable Blends—there are so many refreshing ways to get more fruits and veggies into your diet. Stay tuned for more exciting news on the horizon for V8!